Success story of a hospital

In a hospital with over 4000 employees, there were serious problems with the recognition of a new manager. All departments boycotted it and also the own employees did not “accept” the new manager in any way. By accompanying all 4000 employees for more than a year, the integration of the new manager was not only successful, but also resulted in the improvement of about 30 processes within the hospital, which helped doctors, nursing and administrative staff to save 1600 hours per week. This newly gained time could be used to implement important measures FOR PATIENTS more easily from now on. Employee satisfaction has risen noticeably and with it the satisfaction of the patients cared for there. Among other things, “Smart Shops” were offered in order to learn to solve conflicts more easily and to learn to recognise “burn-out symptoms” in good time. Sustainability of change and the ability to learn on one’s own were always at the forefront

Success story of a school

By using communication models and personality theory, which are (unfortunately) still unknown in Austria, university lecturers, HTL and HAK teachers, but also AHS teachers are trained throughout Austria. The aim is to READY recognise the diversity of personalities that are within us all and to address them in the right language.

The Black Box human is decoded with this know-how. The above mentioned target group learns to arrange the lessons in such a way that ALL students/pupils can remain attentive and creative in the lessons. But also dealing with “difficult people” becomes easier. The training gives immediately applicable tools to approach people not only in a certain way, but in the way that is most appropriate for THOSE people. Without having to pretend or “act”. Result: Pupils and students come to class on time and willingly and willingly, their work becomes richer and more extensive, and there is better understanding among colleagues when dealing with pupils/students. In companies, the use of these workshops leads to less absenteeism, employees are more motivated and creative, ALL can roll out their skills and experience less stress. Professionally and privately.