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Feedback engl.2021-09-02T23:36:05+02:00

Feedback from participants in the Standard Seminar

Correctly assessing the interlocutor is an essential factor for the success of negotiations. During the seminar, the 6 different types of communication with their requirements and the appropriate communication channels were explained very conclusively. The aim was to find the “right wire” to the other party and to actively steer the conversation with this knowledge.

By means of role-plays, different degrees of stress – depending on the type – could be tried out very practically. It was particularly interesting to find out what type of communication you are yourself and how this affects a conversation situation. The seminar day passed very quickly, it could have lasted at least one more day. In my private and professional life I try to assign my counterpart to one of the 6 communication types. Initially I was sceptical whether this is even possible. In the meantime I am able to assess my counterpart very well and I know which “levers” I have to use to conduct conversations successfully.

Executive, Erste Bank

The seminar was very varied. The topic was prepared very well and the basics made clear. So far there have been few seminars after which I was positively exhausted. The heterogeneous group invited people to take the elevator and to be more aware of their own mechanisms was a great learning experience for me. Brings me 100 times more than other communication seminars and is definitely recommended. If communication is important to someone – GO for the networx communication seminar!
I take with me:
· My architecture and interaction behavior
· Types of communication with their strengths and weaknesses
· What do the individual types of communication jump at
· It’s all about diversity
· Try to address all types if possible
· The desire for more

A borderline workshop in which everyone from 9-17h feels comfortable, gets numerous facts, gets to know essential communication pillars, finds time for own thoughts/reflection and can immediately put into practice what they have learned according to the “just do it” principle.

Employees, Erste Bank

A great seminar with a lot of valuable content which you can implement immediately.

Employees , CPB Software

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